Sunday, July 17, 2011

I Swear I Am Not Making This Up

Actual narrative from an actual call in the district. Dave Barry would be proud.

It is seven times more amusing when you know the Captain who wrote this.


Location: XXXXXXXX
Incident Run Number: XXXXXXXX
Incident Type: 541 - Animal problem
Action Taken: 86 - Investigate


The homeowner called Station 52 several times, today, seeking assistance with a cat in a tree.

During the first call, around noon, the caller was told to put food at the bottom of the tree, and "wait out" the cat. He did so.

About 4 PM, the caller was now at work and requested a personal visit to re-assure the wife and family that the cat would be OK. His fear was that the family might try to climb the tree.

Upon arrival, the cat was, indeed, about 30 feet up a very large and very tall tree. The tree was in the neighbor's yard. That neighbor's house was under construction and no one was on-site.

The cat was moving and appeared healthy. The family confirmed that there was no health problem that they knew of. They were told that the fire department could not get involved because:
* Someone else's property
* Cat higher than our ladders
* Would have to cut limbs on tree
* Did not have proper climbing gear

The family, was, again, advised to leave the cat alone, it would come down when it was ready.

The phone number for a cat retrieval service was provided to them, the next morning, in case the cat was still in the tree.

The family advised that the cat did, indeed, come down the tree before bedtime.

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